Porcupine was able to attend the gathering at six o'clock yesterday evening, and provides glimpses and vignettes of the ceremony and the crowd.
A crowd estimated at 1,000 by the Cape Cod Times gathered yesterday at 6 pm to remember Sept. 11th together, and to rededicate themselves to our troops and our first responders. Seen here in the gazebo at Buzzards Bay are Reps. Jeff Perry and Susan Gifford, the organizers of the event.
One honored guest didn't show. Rep. Perry explained that 13 year old Dylan DaSilva was to have attended. Master DaSilva began the movement Cape Cod Cares for it Troops, which rectly shipped its 1,000 package to Iraq. But yesterday, Dylan's mother sent Rep. Perry an email - Dylan had a chance to go to Monday Night Football and be recognized there, and later go on a tour of the Pentagon. But Dylan had made a committment to Rep. Perry - would he release him? A grinning Jeff Perry told the crowd that he had decided to let Dylan wiggle out, and instead presented a House citation to other family members, who were bursting with pride about their young member. The group was there collecting for the troops as well, and if you would like to help, a link can be found HERE.

There was excellent music, as our National Anthem was sung by Sandwich High student Kysta Lubold, and here the crowd reacts to Ret. Sgt. Dan Clark of the State Police, the 'Singing Sergeant'. Mr. Clark was especially effective here with a medley of the anthems of the various branches of the armed services, and the audince members stood or saluted when their theme was sung.

Then, Lt. Governor Kerry Healy spoke, finishing her day here on Cape Cod after attending a variety of ceremonies and rememberances around the state. She gave particular thanks to the Gay and DiConto families, who both lost family members in the tragedy five years ago, and who graciously attended yesterday. Most of her speech was dedicated to the police and fire services, as they step into their new role as first responders to terrorist incidents as well as their traditional responsibilites. Her remarks were apprciated by the gathered Chiefs in the audience, and by Sheriffs McDonough and Cummings (who also provided the chairs, stencilled JAIL, for the event and whose sinister Deputy Sheriff's Association helped defray the costs of the event).
There were many other great moments (Col. Worcester speaking a leetle too long, and failing to introduce the fly-by of his own 102nd F-15's, the SEAMASS trash train going by and giving the crowd a toot, and allowing us all to watch the railroad bridge in action). But Porcupine wants to leave you with one special image - Cape Cod's own 'Twin Towers' at sunset, the Canal Railroad Bridge at Buzzards Bay, and the Bourne Fire Department providing a poignant echo of the flags aloft at Ground Zero, where all our hearts were yesterday.