The Lime House and The State House
John Harington, British Poet, 1613

What do these buildings have to do with one another?
The first is the lime-green house with many residents, home of the now famous Paw family. Father Paw is a postman, earning $49,000 per year; Mother Paw is a Housewife. But from this little oak at 41 Shelbourne Ave., a mighty oak has grown. Father and Mother Paw, along with their four adult children (one of whom is a school lunch aide) who list this address as their residence, have donated a combined $45,000 to Hillary Clinton since 2005, for her presidential campaign, her Senate re-election last year and her political action committee. In all, the six Paws have donated a total of $200,000 to Democratic candidates since 2005, election records show. Remarkably, their donations mirror those of controversial Chinese 'bundler' Norman Hsu, who also listed the tiny house as his legal address for a brief period of time.
Here are some 'blasts from the past' regarding the Clinton Administration and the Chinese with Cash -
President Bill Clinton, during his 1996 re-election campaign, accepted cash which in some cases originated with Chinese military officials anxious to influence Defense Dept. export policy on advanced missile and satellite technology. The policy ultimately was changed by the Clinton Administration in the way the Chinese wanted, and they obtained the highly sensitive technology over Defense Dept. protests. In that scandal, the FBI traced $300,000 in contributions back to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. Back then, the Chinese relied on just one or two intermediaries to serve as the donor, so they were caught, but the results seem to be effective.
Operating with an interim top secret clearance (but without FBI investigation or foreign security check) Commerce official Huang requested several top secret files on China just before a meeting with the Chinese ambassador. Huang and the Riadys then held a meeting with Clinton. Not long after, Huang went to work as a Democratic fund-raiser, but remained on Commerce's payroll as a $10,000-a-month consultant. Huang raised $5 million for the campaign. About a third of that was returned as having come from illegal sources. Among the problem contributions: $250,000 to the DNC from five Chinese businessmen in order to have a brief meeting with Clinton at a fund raiser.
Macao businessman Ng Lap Seng, closely linked to a couple of major Chinese-owned enterprises, was regularly bringing in large sums of money to the United States, according to customs records. On one occasion, he arrived with $175,000 and then two days later met with Charlie Trie and Mark Middleton at the White House. That evening Ng sat at Clinton's table at a DNC fund raiser.
The New York Times reported in 1998 that the Defense Technology Security Administration said Loral's unauthorized release of sensitive technology to the Chinese gave rise to at least three "major" violations of U.S. national security, three medium violations and 12 "minor" infractions.
Throughout these dealings, the CEO of Loral, Bernard Schwartz, contributed at least $1.5 million to the Democrats, making him the single largest contributor to these groups during the period in question.
Three major players in the China scandal – John Huang, Charlie Trie and Johnny Chung – were all allowed by the Justice Department to cop pleas.
Remember now? You will read a lot about it briefly, but Labor Day may wash those recollections away.
Of course, Sen. Clinton is giving the controversial money to charity. She made use of it, and will garner more donations to replace it. Early Money Is Like Yeast, they say, so returning questionable donations later AFTER you've become front runner is not as impressive as it seems.
And what does the Clinton Lime House have to do with the Patrick State House?
Well, today Mararet Botsford was confirmed as Deval Patrick's first pick for the Supreme Judical court, after a 5 - 3 vote (unusual in itself as they are commonly unanimous). The Friday before Labor Day isn't the sort of high press day such an event would usually garner.
But - one day after the nomination was made, Judge Botsworth's husband Stephen Rosenfeld, contributed three times the legal limit to Patrick's campaign fund. It is difficult for him to plead ignorance, as he was Dukakis' legal counsel. Naturally, the money will be returned through proper channels.
It would appear that even though he worked in the Clinton White House, Deval didn't learn enough of the Lime House tricks - but, getting another liberal justice appointed despite campaign finance improprieties is a step in the...well...direction he wants to take.
Labels: bill clinton, democrats, deval patrick, hillary clinton