Setting Priorities

Labels: colts, deval patrick, patriots, red sox
Labels: colts, deval patrick, patriots, red sox
While Hillary Clinton led in the derby for press exposure (she was the primary subject in 17% of all campaign stories), the largely antagonistic attention of conservative talk radio accounted for most of that edge. Clinton was the focus of nearly a third of all the campaign segments among the conservative talkers studied (the three most popular conservative radio voices, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage). Clinton is not nearly as a popular subject among liberal radio talk show hosts.The second-most covered candidate, Democratic rival Barack Obama (14% of stories), got a boost in that coverage from being the No. 1 focus of all the candidates from network evening news.
Two Republicans were next in media exposure. Giuliani led among Republicans with 9% of the stories, followed by McCain at 7% and Romney at 5%.
They were followed by former Senators John Edwards (4%) and Fred Thompson (3%), whose level of coverage relative to their party rivals probably puts them in what is best considered a second tier. Interestingly, Thompson, the lobbyist, actor and former Tennessee Senator, enjoyed this level of coverage (and name recognition in polling) even though he did not actually enter the race until
September.The rest of the candidates would have to be considered not second-tier but third, at least in media attention. None received more than 2% of the coverage.
Put another way, of the more than 1,700 campaign stories examined from January to May, Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee each were the focus of fewer than a dozen stories. The second tier Democrats fared only slightly better. There were five stories about Chris Dodd, 28 about Bill Richardson, one about Dennis Kucinich, and 41 about Joe Biden. For most, their coverage peaked the day of their announcement and went downhill from there.
How dominant were Clinton and Obama as newsmakers? Together, these two candidates commanded essentially the same amount of coverage as all the of the GOP hopefuls combined.
Labels: democrat primary, democrats, media, republican primary, republicans
Long ago, Porcupine predicted that the Governor would create an independent authority like the Mass. Turnpike or Massport - because those have worked out so well, haven't they? Besides, when the Governor's plan to merge the Turnpike and MassHighway is completed, all those politically connected toll takers will need new jobs - and they DO have experience handling quarters....
Three resort casinos will magically flourish in economicaly depressed areas as exclusive resorts. The financial success will continue on its magical basis, as they are staffed with Unionized waitresses, and linens are procured from SOMBWA approved services - hang the expense!
OF course, usually when a new Board or Commission is created, the Creator ascertains that those being named are willing to serve on it, avoiding the political disavowal of Tim Cahill, the State Treasurer who flatly refuses to serve.
Now, with $125 million short in the Lottery and a demand being laid down for $1 billion for stem cell research, Deval Canute is once again commanding the seas to recede as the Legislature watches with dersion.
But none of this matters, as casinos will be the Alpha and Omega of fiscal health for the Commonwealth. For truly, like King Canute, this is a matter of faith - GamblePort lives!
Labels: casino gambling, deval patrick
Labels: democrats, media, republican primary, republicans
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